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Close up of two business professionals shaking hands
Wednesday 22 Feb 2023 Operation Clara
Operation Clara was an investigation by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) into the alleged corrupt conduct of Mr Theo Theophanous in his role on the board of the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA). In January 2020, IBAC commenced Operation Clara to determine if a former Victorian Government Minister misused his public position on the board of the VPA to favour the Australian Education City (AEC) consortium in their East Werribee project proposal, or attempted to improperly influence public officers involved in the East Werribee project.
silhouette of construction workers in apartment
Monday 28 Mar 2022 IBAC's Operation Clara
IBAC Prevention and Communication Executive Director Linda Timothy speaks to Deputy Commissioner David Wolf about the Operation Clara special report in this podcast. They dive into the key findings, the importance of ensuring lobbying activities are fair and transparent, why declaring conflicts of interest is imperative for members of government boards, and the recommendations from the special report.
An image of two apartment buildings imposed against each other, located in Collingwood
Monday 09 Dec 2019 Corruption risks in the social housing sector
This information sheet highlights some of the corruption vulnerabilities in the social housing sector and identifies ways those responsible for public and community housing can strengthen their systems and practices to mitigate those vulnerabilities.
Image of Victorian parliament building
Wednesday 27 Sep 2017 Perceptions of corruption - Survey of Victorian state government employees
This report outlines the responses of state government employees following research into their understanding of corruption, their perceptions of corruption and misconduct, attitudes to reporting corruption and misconduct, and attitudes towards preventing corruption.