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You can help prevent corruption
We can all help prevent public sector corruption and make sure public funds are spent properly – maintaining Victoria's schools, hospitals, roads and other vital public services and projects.
How IBAC handles complaints
What we do with your complaint, including how we assess and act on it.
Your privacy
IBAC will protect your privacy if you make a complaint.


image of parliament house with a magnifying glass in front of it
Tuesday 24 Sep 2019 Corruption risks associated with public sector boards
This information sheet highlights corruption vulnerabilities associated with public sector boards in Victoria. It alerts government departments to opportunities to strengthen their systems and practices to address those vulnerabilities. It also outlines measures to aid the detection, reporting and prevention of corruption which can otherwise lead to waste of public money and resources, undermine people's trust in government, and damage the reputation of the public sector.
two peoples feet, with their shadows showing that they are shaking hands outside of the pictures frame
Thursday 26 Jul 2018 Corruption and misconduct risks associated with employment practices in the Victorian public sector
This report highlights the corruption vulnerabilities associated with employment practices across the Victorian public sector and alerts public sector agencies to opportunities to strengthen their systems and practices to mitigate those vulnerabilities.
Image of a fence topped with barbed wire
Wednesday 25 Oct 2017 Corruption risks associated with the corrections sector
This report analyses the major corruption issues associated with the corrections sector, drawing on research and case studies in Victoria, and from across Australia and internationally. It explores the factors driving corruption risks in the corrections sector. It identifies areas of particular vulnerability, and suggests strategies for strengthening detection, reporting and prevention.
A white tiled corridor, at the end of the corridor is the universal symbol for healthcare, a red cross surrounded by a red circle. Photo by Enric Moreu on Unsplash
Wednesday 25 Oct 2017 Corruption risks associated with the public health sector
This report presents a snapshot of health sector complaints and cases that have arisen during IBAC’s first four years of operation. It explores the corruption vulnerabilities associated with the health sector – both those specific to the health sector and those it shares with the broader public sector. Highlighting such issues helps the health sector to identify corruption risks, and take appropriate prevention and detection actions to address them.
red background with various right facing triangles
Sunday 12 Feb 2017 IBAC Contractual Terms and Conditions for goods and services
The Agreement begins on the Commencement Date and continues until the Completion Date, unless extended in accordance with clause 1(b) or terminated earlier in accordance with these terms. If no Completion Date is specified, the Agreement will come to an end when all Goods/Services have been completed and all payments required to be made under the Agreement have been made.
Dr Michael Macaulay
Monday 18 Jul 2016 Ethical leadership
In the seventh podcast of our corruption prevention series, we are joined by Dr Michael Macaulay, who shares his insights on the importance of leading ethical organisations, and the role it can play in preventing corruption and misconduct. He also touches on ‘noble cause corruption’ and if the ends can ever really justify the means.