Media Releases

IBAC charges a former Frankston City Council manager and a council service provider with multiple offences

Victoria's independent anti-corruption commission, IBAC, has today charged a former Frankston City Council manager with 79 charges including obtaining property by deception, making false documents, using false documents and misconduct in public office. IBAC also charged a supplier of services to Frankston City Council, who is the owner of an electrical company, with 78 similar offences, on 7 January 2019.

The charges follow Operation Topi, an IBAC investigation into allegations improper procurement practices were used to obtain Frankston City Council funds.

This investigation commenced after IBAC received a notification from Frankston City Council. Under mandatory notification requirements that came into effect in 2016, all heads of Victorian public sector departments and agencies, including council CEOs, must by law notify IBAC of any matter they suspect, on reasonable grounds, involves corrupt conduct.

The first court appearance in relation to these charges is scheduled at the Melbourne Magistrates Court on 30 January 2019.

To report public sector corruption or police misconduct, visit or call 1300 735 135.

Media contact: or 0427 480 840

Editors please note: As this matter is now before the Court, no media interviews or further comment will be provided.