Corporate reports

Annual report 2022/23

This Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) annual report describes operational and financial performance, achievements and work undertaken in 2022/23 to prevent and expose public sector corruption and police misconduct.

We report in accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994 (FM Act), the Independent Broad-based Anticorruption Commission Act 2011 (IBAC Act) and the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act).

Key achievements

  • 3558 complaints/notifications received 
  • 3501 complaints/notifications assessed 
  • 506 complaints/notifications received as public interest disclosures and public interest disclosure notifications 
  • 29 investigations and preliminary inquiries commenced into alleged serious public sector corruption and police misconduct 
  • 26 investigations and preliminary inquiries completed 
  • 68 formal recommendations made (under the IBAC Act) for public sector agencies, including Victoria Police and Local government, to improve their systems, practices and controls 
  • 230 reviews of police and public sector investigations, including 42 reviews of serious police incidents
  • 157 corruption and police misconduct prevention initiatives delivered
  • 11 special, research and perception reports published exposing corruption and police misconduct, and ways they can be prevented.

In relation to complaints, we received 3558 complaints/notifications, of which we assessed 3501. 506 of these were received as public interest disclosures.  In relation to investigations and outcomes, we started 29 investigations and preliminary enquiries, of which 26 were completed. We received 68 formal recommendations for public sector agencies. We performed 230 reviews of police and public sector investigations.  In relation to our prevention initiatives we delivered 157 police misconduct initiatives and completed 11 special, research and perception reports. Our digital reach improved with our website received 390,000 unique visits. We garnered an additional 4000 subscribers to IBAC Insights (our newsletter) and an additional 12,900 social media followers.