Media Releases

IBAC’s public sector profiles aim to reduce and prevent corruption in the public service

Today the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) launched a series of risk profiles for five government sectors to help inform them about their specific corruption risks and vulnerabilities and how to prevent corruption and misconduct occurring.

The sector risk profiles launched today are:

These sectors are the first of 15 government sectors to be covered as part of this initiative to build awareness and share practical, sector-specific advice for corruption prevention.

IBAC Executive Director Prevention and Communication Dr Linda Timothy said as the corruption risks facing the Victorian public sector evolve, it was critical that IBAC continually assess how it can best work with and support public sector agencies to build their own capability and corruption resistance.

“The effective prevention of corruption and misconduct ultimately requires public agencies to take primary responsibility for their own prevention strategies,” Dr Timothy said. “However, IBAC is in a unique position to support them by leveraging the diverse range of tools and intelligence it has at its disposal, and where possible make that information publicly available for public sector agencies to utilise.

IBAC developed the profiles using data collected from allegations, investigations, and its corruption prevention work. It consulted with people working in each sector to better understand what they see as their major risks and what information would help them respond better.

These profiles aim to inform public sector leaders and others working in these sectors about key corruption risks and drivers by offering a snapshot of their sector’s main vulnerabilities. The profiles will be regularly updated to alert them to emerging risks. These new profiles will be particularly useful to teams responsible for integrity, governance, and risk in the Victorian public service.

The profiles include an overview of each sector; its specific corruption and misconduct risks; general information on allegations IBAC received about the sector; and insights from IBAC’s investigations and reviews of that sector.

The profiles also include corruption prevention strategies and tailored ways to detect corruption in the individual sectors, along with relevant resources such as IBAC investigation case studies.

To access these new IBAC resources, go to: